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Holy Land

The Holy Land


The Holy Land

Flying From


29th April - 6th May

From £895

CALL US 0800 689 4792



Experience two-nights in Bethlehem, staying in a Christian owned hotel close the the Shepherds fields.For Christians the location, it is identified as the scene where the Angel of the Lord visited the shepherds, and informed them of the birth of Jesus. The hotel applies hospitality of rich cultural heritage, passed down from generation to generation via tradition, and wisdom of the fathers, linking back to the hospitality of Abraham.


Overlooking the Old City Walls, minutes walk from the Holy Sepulchre, way of the cross and the Dome of the Rock, Holy Land Hotel is superbly located and beautifully renovated, ofering pilgrims superb value for money, resting in the heart of Jerusalem.




On the shores of the Sea of Galilee with the magnificent scene of Mount Arbel and opposite the rolling hills of the Golan, Nof Ginosar is a charming, appealing haven of lush greenery surrounded by peace and tranquility. Nof Ginosar gives you space and freedom to enjoy the shores of Galilee and provides and excellent buffet.


What's Included?


7 nights hotel accommodation (2 Bethlehem, 3 Jerusalem, 2 Galilee)

Breakfast and dinner

Wine with dinner
All transportation 

First class local guide

Full religious programme

Daily Mass

Free Wifi
24/7 Emergency support from our local rep

100% Financial Protection


Flights will be released in June 2019 and are an additional cost. 






Mon, Apr 29, 2019   
FLIGHT Manchester > Tel Aviv


Arrive to Ben Gurion Airport, Meet & assist with smile service after the passport control Meet the guide and transfer to hotel in Jerusalem
Dinner & Overnight (D)


Tue, Apr 30, 2019 Theme: The Visitation & The Nativity 


We begin our day with a visit to the Second Temple scale model for an overview of Jerusalem as it was at the time of Jesus. A short drive takes us to the village of Ein Karem, birthplace of John the Baptist, to visit the church that commemorates his memory. We then pray the Mystery of the Rosary on the walk up the hill to the Church of the Visitation. In the afternoon drive to Bethlehem to visit the Shepherds’ Field, commemorating the shepherds who minded their flocks as Mary and Joseph searched for lodging near Bethlehem. Then to Manger Square which stands in front of one of the oldest of Christian churches, the Church of the Nativity. Bending low, we enter the Church and descend into the Grotto of the Nativity. 

Beneath the Altar, a 14 pointed Silver Star marks the place surrounded by the Latin inscription: HIC DE VIRGINE MARIA JESUS CHRISTUS NATUS (Here Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary (B,D)


Wed, May 1 2019 - Theme: The Wilderness

Leave hotel early at 7.30 to drive to Masada, site of the Jewish revolt against the Romans from 70—73 AD. Ascend by cable car to tour the excavations of the Unesco World Heritage Site. On the way back there is time for a swim (or rather a float!) in the mineral-rich waters of the Dead Sea, renowned for its healing properties. Continue to the oasis town of Jericho, the oldest city in the world and view Mt. Temptation, where Jesus fasted and was tempted by Satan, and see an example of Zacchaeus’ Sycamore Tree and Elijah’s Spring. End the day at Bethany where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, Transfer to hotel in Dinner and overnight at the hotel 


Thu, May 2, 2019 - Theme: Palm Sunday and the Agony in the Garden

Start the day on the Mount of Olives to take in the panoramic view of Jerusalem. Visit the Church of the Pater Noster, which is built over the place where Jesus assembled His disciples and taught them the Pater Noster — The Lord’s Prayer.  Walk down the “Palm Sunday Road” we visit the beautiful church, Dominus Flevit -  “The Lord wept.” It was here that Jesus wept over Jerusalem [Luke 19:41] prior to His death.  At Gethsemane we ponder Jesus’ final night. The Garden contains trees, the roots of which go back to the time of Jesus. We visit the Church of All Nations and pray at the “Rock of Agony,” a section of bedrock identified as the place where Jesus prayed alone in the garden on the night of His arrest. (B,D)


Fri, May 3, 2019 - Theme: The Way of the Cross; The Crucifixion; The Resurrection.  


This morning, after a very early breakfast, we start the Way of the Cross at the Antonia Fortress, where Jesus was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate. From there He was taken through the city to be crucified. The Stations of the Cross lead us to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, visit Calvary and the empty Tomb.


We then walk through the Old City to see the Western Wall (Wailing Wall), the Jewish Quarter, the Cardo and the Bazaars of the Moslem and Armenian Quarters. 

Then to Mt Zion for a visit to the Church of Peter in Galicantu, the house of the High Priest Caiaphas where Jesus was interrogated and imprisoned. End the day at the Upper Room before return to the hotel.


Sat, May 04, 2019
NAZARETH, CANA, Mt, Tabor - Theme: The Annunciation


Drive to Nazareth, the site of Mary’s home and the town where Jesus lived as a child. At Nazareth, , and visit the Byzantine Church of St. Joseph and Mary’s Well. Visit the convent of the Sisters of Nazareth where one of the nuns will give a tour of the fascinating excavations discovered there. In the afternoon visit Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle at the request of His mother [John 2:1-11]. There visit the Franciscan chapel where those who wish to can perform the renewal of their wedding vows.
drive to Mount Tabor, the site of the Transfiguration, with time to reflect on Christ’s Humanity and Divinity, good preparation for the journey to Jerusalem where Jesus was to suffer the crucifixion and resurrection, Continue to Tiberias to check – in to your hotel. B, D. 


Sun, May 05, 2019 - TIBERIAS: SEA OF GALILEE - Theme: The Ministry of Christ in the Galilee& THE JORDAN RIVER


The day starts at the Mount of Beatitudes, scene of Jesus’ great Sermon on the Mount. Then to Tabgha where Jesus fed the crowd of 5,000 and onto the site known as “Peter’s Primacy”. Here, after His resurrection, Jesus met with His disciples and told Peter to “feed my lambs; feed my sheep.” [John 21:9]. A short drive away is Capernaum, from where Jesus launched his Ministry; see the synagogue which dates to the time of Jesus and the church built over the site of Peter’s home.., then in the afternoon drive up to Caesarea Philippi, where Jesus told St. Peter “You are the Rock, and upon this rock I will build my Church.”
End the day at the spot where the Jordan river flows from the Sea of Galilee with time to reflect on the Baptism at the Jordan River 

Dinner and overnight at your hotel. B, D. 


Mon, May 06, 2019 - MUKHRAKA, CAESAREA, Airport 
FLIGHT Tel Aviv > Manchester


This morning after breakfast leave Mukhraka; the Monastery here commemorates Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal. Continue north to Haifa to visit Stella Maris, a Carmelite Monastery with the Madonna of Mt Carmel.. After enjoying the view of the bay of Acco, head for Caesarea, which was once the ancient capital of the Roman province. Here you view the impressive archaeological remains of the Roman and Byzantine city that once dominated the region. It was at Caesarea that Peter came to understand that the Good News was not for Jews only, but for the whole world. Here he baptized the Roman Centurion, Cornelius, and his family. It was from Caesarea that Paul set sail for Rome, an event that eventually brought Christianity to the World.. B, D
Early Dinner in Jaffa, transfer to airport.



talk to Us about The Holy Land 0800 689 4792

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